Sunday, May 1, 2016

Baked Mac & Cheese

I've made mac&cheese a few times but all of those are stove top version. This is the first time that I made a baked version which is similar to the one my friend always makes for her when we go to our farm in England!

The recipe which I asked my friend for it and the following is what she told me..

A basic cheese sauce , butter and flour made into a roux then milk added in slowly , with cheddar and Parmesan , I also put 1 tsp of mustard in either French or English , whichever you have, make it rather thick( I keep a cup of the pasta water aside  In case it's too thick , add a little if you need to ) Mix them well then lots of cheese on top into a warm oven (160) for 30 mins.

And below is what I used for the cheese sauce. ( For 5 oz. of macaroni )

30 g butter
1.5 tbsp flour
2 cups milk plus some water from cooking macaroni ( to loosen the sauce )
1 cups cheddar cheese plus more + some parmesan for topping
Salt to taste
1/4 tsp English mustard powder

I baked at 170c for 20 minutes..


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